Introducing the Ashtanga Method Part 1 with Yiouli Spanoude
Lauantait / Saturdays 10.9, 17.9, 24.9., 1.10., 15.10. & 29.10 11:30-12:45; 6 x 75 min à 120€
Opetuskieli englanti / The class is taught in English.
Ilmoittautuminen verkkokaupan kautta / Sign up via our webshop: Ashtanga Yoga Foundation Course
tai sähköpostitse / or per email:
Max. osallistujamäärä 12 hlö.
Lyhyesti kurssista suomeksi, lisäinfoa alla englanniksi:
Tutustu perusteellisesti Astangajoogaan niin fyysisellä kuin myös filosofisella tasolla Yiouli Spanouden ohjauksella. Kuuden viikon kurssilla opit yksityiskohtaisesti astanga-menetelmän aurinkotervehdykset, seisomasarjan asanat (asennot), sekä tutustumme hengitystekniikkoihin ja lihaslukkoihin. Kurssi sopii vasta-alkajille iästä ja kunnosta huolimatta; aiempaa kokemusta joogasta et tarvitse. Kurssin opetuskieli on englanti.
About the intensive course:
Following a teaching method that honours the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga, this course aims to guide you through the foundational asanas (postures) of the Primary series of Ashtanga Yoga (Yoga Chikitsa). This will slowly enable us to move towards more physically as well as mentally challenging asanas in a future part 2 scheduled course. This beginner’s course aims to introduce to the Ashtanga Method from both a physical and a philosophical perspective.
Each week we aim to take a thorough view of the set of postures included in the 1st series of the practice, starting from the very basic movements (Surya Namaskara A&B – Sun Salutation A and B), following the Standing Sequence of postures and finally the Finishing Sequence of the practice. (Seated postures will be studied in part 2 of the course, to follow later in 2022). In the practice of Ashtanga Yoga aspects like breath and body locks are of great interest and these elements will be introduced in this course. These include: Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath), Vinyasas (combined movements linked with the breath), Bandhas (Body Locks) and Drishti (eyesight focus). Understanding the importance of these elements early in our practice is fundamental and thus we will try to develop a practice where these aspects are a part of it.
The course as a whole aims to develop a clear view of what Ashtanga Yoga is. New postures will be introduced each week of the class. The student is encouraged to participate on a regular basis in order to keep up with the learning aim. After completing this 6-week course each student will have developed basis for a respected self-practice, as well as the skills to participate in guided Ashtanga classes, more advanced courses, or slowly move into Mysore* classes.
*) Mysore Practice: Named after the city in India were Ashtanga Yoga was originated. Mysore Practice is a self-practice where the student practices in their own pace, with the teacher being present assisting and guiding the student towards the next posture step by step.
Our greatest aim is to find joy in the learning through this method that will eventually lead to self-awareness, mind and sensory control and a vast of other therapeutic benefits.
This class is aimed for beginners; no previous previous experience in Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga is required. The class is suitable for anyone regardless of age, gender, physical condition (Note: in case of any health issues please inform the teacher in advance to discuss the approach in further details) – the only requirement is a willingness to learn.
The teaching will be adapted to everyone’s needs and include vocal and hands on adjustment assisting, individual instructions and weekly progressive teaching. If hands on adjustment assisting is not preferred, please inform the teacher in advance.
About Yiouli:
My name is Yiouli (Iouliani) Spanoude, I am originally from Cyprus and I have recently moved to Helsinki to continue my studies in the Ashtanga Yoga method. Though I daily miss the sun back in my home country, I decided to follow my path in yoga as I search for a meaning of life and my dharma (purpose) by continue to grow through my daily practice and learnings in one of the biggest yoga Ashtanga Shalas in Europe located here in Helsinki. I am very thankful to my teachers Marke Murtomäki and Petri Räisänen who share this knowledge with me so that it can passed to all of us.
I took the first step of completing a 200-hour Ashtanga Vinyasa training in Goa India but little did I know that, that was just the start of a long, challenging and demanding path. Being practicing the Ashtanga method daily for the last 3 years under the guidance of authorised teachers has taught me that the only difficulty we have to face is our own self and continue to try and let go of unhealthy patterns through asana (postural) practice. Deeper personal growth requires consistent work and honesty towards other but most importantly towards ourselves. Repeating asanas and committing to learn this ancient method is the only way I see of going into a deeper level of awareness and being offered a wholesome lifestyle in peace and happiness.
Currently I am also studying mindfulness techniques that can be incorporated in the practice without changing the method but rather enhancing our mental approach towards it. Healing and alignment techniques involving the myofascial system is also something I am interested and eager to learn as I grow as a student and a teacher.
I am thankful to be able to guide all levels of students from the very early steps until a full development of the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga and share my little knowledge and wisdom with them all.
As I continue to learn every day, is my promise to share these learnings with all of the practitioners and learn from them as well. I hope my practice will always bring out all my compassionate self as a teacher.
Above all, I daily remind myself this is a breath working practice after all.
Questions? For practical and general info, please contact studio Shangri-La at: info@studioshangrila
For possible further inquiries about the content of the course and Ashtanga Yoga pratice, you can contact Yiloui at: / +358 414944398